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10 Questions You Should Ask Yourself Before Making Decisions

10 Questions You Should Ask Yourself Before Making Decisions

Making decisions is something we do every day. Some of them are major and some aren’t, but in all cases, there are some questions we should ask ourselves before.

Tips and Coffee present you the list of 10 questions you should ask yourself before making decisions:

1. Is that what I really want?

Questions to ask yourself before making decisions Tips and Coffee

Before you make a decision, Think if that is what you really want. Think about the possible results and see how you feel about each one.

If you feel uncomfortable thinking about the results you should reconsider the whole thing and reevaluate the situation.

If you find a new way or standing in front of a new decision after reevaluating the situation, ask yourself the same question again until the answer is: “Yes. This is what I really want”.


2. Will It hurt someone?

Ask yourself if what you are going to do will hurt someone. If you are about to do something that will hurt other people or may hurt someone specific, think if it’s worth it.

We know that there are decisions that come at the expense of other people but you have to think whether it’s worth it or not.

For example, If asking your best friend’s crush to go out with you on a date means it harms your best friend and hurt him, Will you do it anyway?

We are not telling you what to do or what’s the best option for you. We just want to remind you that our decisions may hurt other people sometimes, and we have to consider it in our decisions that we make.


3. Is it the best way to do it?

Questions to ask yourself before making decisions Tips and Coffee

Asking yourself if it is the best way to do it is crucial. Especially for making major decisions.

You want to think before you make a decision, and not the opposite.

Think about it, even if it means that you have to delay your decision, It’s worth it. Some great people with great ideas haven’t thought of the way they are going to perform and came back to square one.

Thinking of the way of performance will save you many hours if not days or months.

This is why thinking of your way before making any decision is so crucial. We wouldn’t recommend you skip this step.


4. How will it affect my future?

Think about how your future will look after making this decision. Literally, close your eyes and imagine it. If you are happy with what might happen and you have no doubt it is the future you want for yourself, go for it.

If while you are imagining your future you feel nervous, unrelaxed or not sure that this is the future you want for yourself, consider the whole thing again and spend some time rethinking this decision.


5. Is it ethical?

10 Questions You Should Ask Yourself Before Making Decisions

If your conscious will eat you after making this decision, then it’s not worth it. You want to be sure that what you are about to do is ethical.

Imagine you already made this decision and now you are one day after performing. How would you feel? Would something bother you? Could you sleep at night?

If all these answers are positives and you are positive that your conscious will be clean after making this decision, you are all good.


6. Is it the right thing to do?

You have to make sure it’s the right thing to do. Sometimes we are are standing in front of a major decision and we are about to take action but something is stopping us.

What’s stopping us from doing this thing is the question “Is it the right thing to do?”.

Before making decisions you have to ask yourself this question and be sure that what you are about to do next is indeed the right thing to do.


7. Are there any alternative ways?

Most people often go for it before thinking if there is another way, shorter, better or less complexed way to do the same thing.

If you think before you make decisions you might find out that there is a better way.

You want to examine all ways and see what’s the best option for you.

There’s a story about a fisherman who had to cross the river. The fisherman decided to build a raft.

He spent 2 days collecting wood, carving it, tying it all together, entered the river and started floating to the other side. Right after he reached he looked back to where he entered the water and saw a little bridge, 100 feet away from where he was staying.

If he spent some time scanning the area and look for alternative ways to cross the river he would have saved 2 days of hard work.

This is why looking for alternative ways before making decisions is so important.


8. Am I affected by other people’s will?

10 Questions You Should Ask Yourself Before Making Decisions

If it’s not your will – don’t do it. If someone else is pushing you to do it and it’s not your own will, don’t even spend time thinking about it. If it doesn’t come from your heart then it’s not worth it.

Don’t do what other people want you to do. It’s your life. You decide what to do, and if, for example, your parents want you to be a doctor, but your dream is to be a singer, do what YOU want to do.

You don’t want to sit on your chair when you are 70 years old and say “I wish I’ve done that”.

You only live once, and making decisions by other people’s will is a waste of time.


9. Do I have a backup plan?

Questions to ask yourself before making decisions Tips and Coffee

Backup plan is not always necessary, especially when making minor decisions, but in most cases, it’s good to have one. Sometimes we think we are sure that we have the perfect plan, that nothing can go wrong and we are 100 percent going to succeed.

Well, Sometimes things don’t go the way we want, and we need to reassess for a new situation.

Thinking of a backup plan when making decisions is recommended. You never know what will happen and you want to be ready for every situation.


10. If it goes right, what’s the next step?

10 Questions You Should Ask Yourself Before Making Decisions

You made the decision. It happened. You can’t go back. What’s next?

Thinking about the next step is crucial. People say “We will cross the bridge when we come to it” but not when making decisions.

You want to think few steps ahead and think what’s your next step, before making a decision.

Thinking about the next step after making decisions will give you a much better view of the whole situation and help you make the right decision.



That’s it for now. Tips and Coffee glad you learned new things about making decisions. We wish you to make wise decisions and always remember to use the tips we gave you before making major decisions or changes in your life.

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