Recently, I received an email from a curious reader who was interested in using WordPress but wanted to know if it was possible to try out the system before signing up to a hosting site. Basically, he was seeking to know if there was a kind of “trial version” available for users to download and […]
Tag: WordPress

10 Most Popular WordPress Plugins
Have you ever wondered about the top selected plugins for the official WordPress plugin repository? Let’s go through them! There are more than 55,000+ plugins. Based on data from, the most popular plugins can be interesting to consider when looking at the impressive numbers of downloads. Not all of them may be getting regular […]

10 Recommended WordPress Plugins Every Website Should Have
WordPress Plugins are very important to boost up your website rank in search engines and make the user experience better. If you are looking to create a WordPress website, visit this tutorial: How To Create WordPress Website In 3 Simple Steps Let’s jump right into it and start with the first on the list of the […]

How To Create WordPress Website In 3 Simple Steps
So recently, we had a lot of people asking us How To Create WordPress Website. We came up with this tutorial to help you create your first website, we hope you enjoy, and good luck! 1. Get Your Website Domain Before you are jumping to styling your website and making it look like you want, […]