If you see this article then you are probably looking for ways to impress your date.
Well, Tips and Coffee came up with this tutorial just for you!
It may be your first or one of many but still it would be prudent to impress your date nonetheless if you are to make any headway in the relationship.
Depending on the occasion and the relationship that you would like to build, choosing what you would wear would be one of the most important issues as first impressions do still matter.
The other parameters would be to exude charm and ensure that you do not step on the other’s shoes, think before you say something, show kindness and be at your best because you need to impress if not the whole exercise is lost.
We list below some of the best ways to impress your date
1. Take along something nice and be on time
Never be late, get there well in time. Keeping your date waiting is not a very impressive way to start a date. Take something impressive to give, decide well in advance as to what would be appropriate.
This would also give the opportunity for a little touch and a kiss, which could break the ice.
2. Pick the right dress
Pick what you would wear, giving it much thought as it would be the first impressions and that matters a lot and depending on the stage of the relationship a smart dress is sure to impress, and complement what your date wear too.
Ensure that the first few minutes after you meet up gets off the ground well and it is an all smiles and flows with a lot of energy in both and for that one should be more enthusiastic.
3. Be kind and attentive
Exude kindness and be attentive during the conversation and avoid external issues, especially about family unless it is brought out by the other, leave out politics and religion, too.
Show concern and ensure and project that you have a very kind disposition and would be always be willing to extend that kindness and attentiveness. This would impress no doubt.
4. Listen rather than talking
Listen well and drop down on your conversational ability because you could know more about your date than you would ever know and that too in a short time, but keep the communication lively at all times.
Try to listen to what is being said and be attentive and listening is a very good option because too much talking is dull.
5. Don’t contradict
Don’t try to contradict what is said but go along in a nice easy paced conversation and talk more about the future and how it would fold out whilst keeping the conversation active and do not let the tempo from dropping.
Take the conversation at an easy pace and ensure that you don’t discuss anything controversial and the pace of the conversation should be quite free and open.
6. Have a receptive attitude
Receive everything which is said in a receptive way never get carried away and keep a focal point and don’t take that away and you should always be receptive not a word out-of-place. Keep the conversations going at good steady pace.
Others like to be heard and it would be so with your date too, ensure that you receive everything that is said with a nod and a smile and agree with everything even if you tend to disagree.
7. Maintaining a smart posture will surely impress your date
Maintaining a smart posture will surely make your date impressed.
Your posture means a lot. People attend to look better when they maintain their posture, it’s a fact.
If you want to upgrade your look you should consider adopting this habbit of maintaining a smart and stable posture.
8. Be neat and tidy
Dress should be neat and tidy and should impress. a smart demeanor is what you should project and try not touch unless it is mutual and ensure everything down to the finger nails.
Everything in you from the hair to the shoeshine should be just perfect because it is how you would be looking that would give you the thumbs up when your date observes you more closely.
You can read more on how to look more attractive here.
9. Talk about things you are good at
You should talk about things you are good at. Especially if it’s the first date.
One of the most important tips when trying to impress your date is to make yourself look good.
You want to talk about those things that make you smile, things that you like to do.
Talking about these things will make you feel more confidence and make the conversation go smoother.
10. Give the green light if you want to pursue
If the chemistry is good give the green light and fix up another date.
If you like the meeting and the person, let it be known and ensure you lose no time.
We hope you learned how to impress your date and that you are feeling more confident now after reading this.
I didn`t know number 9 was so important, thank you for this awesome and informative article,
Cheers from the UK
Yo thanks hommie num #9 so dope!
Thank you
I like it….good tips
All of the tips are true! Don’t be afraid to flatter yourself ! This tip is actually everything